The Benefits of Baby Massage

The benefits of Baby Massage

As a children’s physiotherapist, Laura Harris understands the science behind the growing skeletal system and normal development of children, the medical importance of sleep and nutrition and how it can affect many body systems. The IAIM (international association of infant massage) really provides something unique with their baby massage program – cementing the loving bond between parent and child whilst providing comfort for both parties. Baby massage has been a long-standing parenting tradition in many cultures.

baby massage appi clinics Hampstead Mums

The program offers a sequence of rhythmic strokes and soothing holds which have been developed and refined over many years. Baby massage can help with a multitude of things for both babies and their carers. Interaction and bonding are important and in our busy lives taking some extra time to learn to read their cues and take some extra time getting to know them is such a treat! Massage can help your baby to feel securely attached to you and can help with crying and emotional distress. 

Massaging your baby provides a wonderful opportunity for expressing your love, whilst meeting the high need for touch and affection that is essential for the healthy development of all babies. Relaxation is key in the calm atmosphere of the classes and the rhythmic nature of the strokes allow an opportunity for both parent and baby to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Massage also promotes circulation, relaxation and equilibrium within the body, the strokes can also optimise bodily functions such as digestion! A colic routine is also within the program to aid baby’s discomfort with wind and constipation. Recognising over stimulation during massage is essential and you will be guided to allow your baby to share this with you.

Benefits of infant massage:

  • Enjoy focused time with your baby

  • Opportunity to socialise in a welcoming and supportive environment 

  • Have fun whilst learning a life-long skill

  • Feel closer to your baby and aid them to feel securely attached 

  • Feel the relaxation benefits of giving your baby nurturing touch 

  • Reduced crying and emotional distress

  • Increased levels of relaxation

  • Development of body awareness 

  • Relief from wind, colic and constipation, optimising gut motility 

  • Optimise circulation, flexibility and joint health to form the foundations of movement

baby massage appi clinics hampstead

The latest scientific research confirms what parents have known for generations: massage benefits children – easing discomfort, releasing tension, helping premature infants gain weight and reinforcing that loving connection. As well as soothing and calming, physical affection is vital to the wellness of children and the development of the parent-child bond. 

APPI clinics, Hampstead is running a 5-week baby massage course this February, starting on Wednesday 26th February 3-4pm and ending on the 25th March 2020. All classes will finish with a discussion along with herbal teas, all participants will receive a complimentary oil to continue this life-long skill at home. Bookings are via Mind body online- please contact our reception if you have any issues. 

Written by Laura Harris, specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist at APPI clinics, Hampstead. 

2B Heath Hurst Rd, Hampstead, London NW3 2RX, 020 7794 6560,


  1. Gambill (1985) The Human Touch; Living Earth Crafts. Vol 1, no 3

  2. McClure V. (1991) The Tao of Motherhood

  3. McClure V. (2017) Infant Massage; a handbook for loving parents

  4. Molloy C. (2007) Marasmus

  5. St John J. (1987) Touch and body image. From High Tech Touch; Acupressure in the schools.